Pet Care Guides Reptile

Pacman and Pixie Frogs


Pacman: S. America, Pixie: Africa


Damp forests, shallow freshwater

Average Size

Pacman: 5"-6", Pixie: 8"-10"

Life Span

7-10 years



A Pacman frog can be kept comfortably in a 10 gallon tank, and a pixie frog can be kept in a 20 gallon tank. For both species, using a larger enclosure is also acceptable.


Both of these types of frogs should be kept on coconut bedding. Burying themselves is an essential way for these frogs to feel secure, so the substrate should be about 3" to 4" deep to allow this behavior. If plants are used in the terrarium, a drainage layer made of small, pea-sized gravel should be added. Live or moistened moss is also a great way to keep the enclosure humid, and it also provides an extra hiding area for the frogs.


Water should be provided in two ways: a water dish and misting. The water dish should be wide and shallow for the frog to easily get into it. In most homes, misting once or twice a day should be sufficient.

Heating and Lighting

Both types of frogs should be kept at temperatures between 70° and 80°F. Since both of these frogs bury themselves in the substrate, an under tank heater is usually the best method if supplementary heat is needed. These frogs do not require a very high UV output to thrive. A Reptisun 2.0 bulb should be sufficient if a light is needed to illuminate the cage. A brighter light may be needed for live plants in the tank, depending on the species of the plant.


Both of these types of frogs will eat essentially anything they can fit in their mouths. This includes crickets, mealworms, superworms, waxworms, earthworms, cockroaches, and dead small rodents. It is best to offer your frog as varied a diet as possible. All food offered should be well under half the size of the frog.

Helpful Hints

Pacman frogs and pixie frogs are very similar in their characteristics and care. Pacman frogs originate from South America, while pixie frogs are native to Africa. Pixie frogs are also called African bullfrogs. The Pacman frog is part of the Horned Frog family, and its name comes from the wide mouth and large body that make it resemble the video game character. The Pixie frog’s name is derived from its scientific name. It is the larger of the African bullfrogs, though a miniature species does exist. Both pacman and pixie frogs share the same physical characteristics of a large, stout body, small limbs, and a very large mouth. The pacman frog is usually green to brown with yellow to brown blotches. Pixie frogs are usually a neutral, olive green. Both tend to have a yellow belly.

Pacman and Pixie frogs are voracious eaters. They can often eat anything up to half their own size. However, these frogs also tend to bite at larger possible foods. They have a row of sharp teeth in their jaws, which makes it impossible for them to release prey. They can choke to death if an item they grab is too large. It is not recommended to keep them with other frogs, even of the same species, as cannibalism can occur. The only time these frogs should be in contact with another of their respective species is for breeding. They can be handled, but it is not recommended to do so too often, and both species can give a sharp bite if startled or unhappy. If you have any questions about your Pacman or Pixie frog, please contact a Reptile Room employee at 717-299-5691, extension 1240.
