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  • Trout in the Classroom Supplies

An Official Partner of Trout Unlimited

That Fish Place is proud to partner with Trout Unlimited to offer this unique conservation oriented environmental education program for students of all ages. Trout in the Classroom provides students across the country with an opportunity to see science in action! Please visit troutintheclassroom.org for more information about the resources available to teachers and schools.

What Do Students Do?

Throughout the school year, students set up a classroom tank to raise trout & release them into approved cold water streams & lakes. Trout in the Classroom's long-term goal is to reconnect the students with their environment & the local watersheds that sustain them.

Program Goals:
  • - Raise trout from eggs to fry
  • - Monitor tank water quality
  • - Engage in stream habitat study
  • - Appreciate water resources
  • - Foster a conservation ethic
  • - Understand ecosystem connectivity

  • To Order Kits:

    Contact Stephanie Welsh
    1-888-842-8738 ext. 1288

    Need Setup Instructions?
    Click here for step-by-step set up video instructions!




    KIT #1: Project Kit with Blue Diamond Chiller & Fluval Filter
    $1,300.22* | Item 297344 | *Free Shipping Promotions Not Valid with Trout in the Classroom Purchases.

    This kit is for teachers who do not have an aquarium chiller. The Blue Diamond Chiller is a state-of-the-art aquarium cooler, incorporating the most advanced technological features in the market. These units have been designed for maximum temperature pull down with the least amount of energy draw, so they are reliable and energy efficient. Includes Fluval 407 canister filter and water treatment supplies. Designed for 55 gallon containers.

    View & Compare Kit Components Here >

    KIT #2: Project Kit with Fluval Filter
    $428.65* | Item 294801 | *Free Shipping Promotions Not Valid with Trout in the Classroom Purchases.

    This kit is for teachers who already have an aquarium chiller. Includes Fluval 407 canister filter and water treatment supplies. Designed for 55 gallon containers.

    View & Compare Kit Components Here >

    KIT #2A: Project Kit with AquaClear Filter
    $307.15* | Item 294802 | *Free Shipping Promotions Not Valid with Trout in the Classroom Purchases.

    This kit is for teachers who already have an aquarium chiller. Includes AquaClear power filter and water treatment supplies. Designed for 55 gallons containers.

    View & Compare Kit Components Here >

    KIT #3: Project Kit withBlue DiamondChiller and AquaClear Filter
    $1,178.72* | Item 297345 | *Free Shipping Promotions Not Valid with Trout in the Classroom Purchases.

    This kit is for teachers who do not have an aquarium chiller. The Blue Diamond Chiller is a state-of-the-art aquarium cooler, incorporating the most advanced technological features in the market. These units have been designed for maximum temperature pull down with the least amount of energy draw, so they are reliable and energy efficient. Includes AquaClear power filter and water treatment supplies. Designed for 55 gallon containers.

    View & Compare Kit Components >

    Need Replacement Items?

    Replacement Item Kit
    $134.53* | Item 294772 | *Free Shipping Promotions Not Valid with Trout in the Classroom Purchases.

    Replacement water conditioners, testing supplies, air stones and filter media for all trout in the classroom kits.

    View and Compare Kit Components >

    Add the AquaSun Controller to any kit!

    The AquaSun Controller is a programmable timer and power strip in one! Provides a natural day/night cycle for aquarium inhabitants using a 24 hour easy-to-program analog design. 8 Grounded outlets in all, 4 timer controlled and 4 continuous running to cater to your preference of lighting cycles. Grounded 3 prong receptacle for safety.
    $19.79* | Item 252185 | *Free Shipping Promotions Not Valid with Trout in the Classroom Purchases.


    Find your Shipping Zone Here

    Kit #2 & 2AKit #1 & 3Replacement Kit
    Zone 1: $17.99Zone 1: $64.99Zone 1: $12.99
    Zone 2: $21.99 Zone 2: $74.99Zone 2: $13.99
    Zone 3: $25.99Zone 3: $94.99Zone 3: $14.99
    Zone 4: $35.99Zone 4: $110.99Zone 4: $18.99

    *Free Shipping Promotions Not Valid with Trout in the Classroom Purchases.