Green Fox Coral - Nemenzophyllia turbida - Large

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SKU: 290698
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: L93FX 0045 0586

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Fox Coral is a stunning fleshy coral that does not have a long list of requirements like many other corals. Fox Corals do best in indirect lighting and even dim, turbid conditions. They receive most of their nutrition by absorbing the nutrients directly out of the water through their tissue membrane - an ideal adaptation for aquariums with higher organic levels or low skimming practices.

Most colonies are pale tan or light green in color but these colors will be enhanced and actually become much brighter in higher lighting although, again, this lighting is not a requirement. Fox Coral colonies are usually linear and wall-shaped.

As with other similar fleshy corals, Fox Corals can be damaged if the colony falls or is bumped and the sharp skeleton harms the fleshy tissue. Make sure the colony is firmly secured into position and is not buffeted by high flow.


L93FX 0045 0586
That Fish Place
Common NameGreen Fox Coral - Large
Scientific NameNemenzophyllia turbida
Internal Id

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Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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