Black-rayed Shrimp Goby - Stonogobiops nematodes

SKU: 211548
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: F91 0007 0113

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The Black-rayed Shrimpgoby (Stonogobiops nematodes) is also known as the Banded Antennae Goby, the Yellow Rose Goby and a few other common names. It has a white body with 4 pale edged black bands, a yellow face, and an elongated, black first dorsal spine.

This fish is best known as part of the group of gobies known as shrimpgobies. They form symbiotic relationships with certain pistol shrimp. These shrimp build and maintain a burrow for them both to live in, and the goby defends the lair and supplies food. Shrimpgobies are also minor sandsifters but will not sift as much as those generally referred to as "Sleeper Gobies".

These gobies will eat a variety of frozen foods and possibly flake and pellet. Gobies prefer a tank with plenty of rocky hiding places. They get along with most tankmates, but can be aggressive toward other gobies. Gobies are known jumpers; when startled or threatened, they have been known to jump out of uncovered aquariums. Always keep the tank covered and provide plenty of hiding places for this fish to retreat to.

Visit That Fish Blog for more information from our marine biologists on Gobies, Pistol Shrimp and other aquarium-related topics!


F91 0007 0113
That Fish Place
Common NameBlack-rayed Shrimp Goby
Scientific NameStonogobiops nematodes
Reef SafeYes
Invert SafeYes
Community SafeYes
Max Size (in inches)2
Min Tank Size (in gallons)10
OriginIndo-western Pacific
Specific Gravity Range1.020-1.024
pH Range8.0-8.4
Temperature Range75-82
Internal Id

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


Ratings & Reviews

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Fun to Watch


Have one of these in a 10-Gallon setup, and he is the coolest little Goby. Cool pattern, peaceful, cute, and looks very cool with a Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp-fairly shy though.