AquaSafe PLUS Water Conditioner - 33.8 oz.

SKU: 259820
Manufacturer: Tetra
MPN: 16163

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AquaSafe Plus contains seaweed extracts which support the development of beneficial bacteria in your aquarium for clear water and a healthy habitat. Works in seconds to neutralize chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals in tap water that can be harmful to fish. Enhances natural slime coat to help wounds heal and protect fish from abrasions. Unique colloid ingredients protect fish’s delicate gills and membranes. Can be used with freshwater and marine fish. One teaspoon treats 10 gallons.


Package Size33.8 oz.
Treats up to2000 gal.
Internal Id


Principle Ingredients: sodium hydroxymethane sulfinate, chelating compounds, polyvinylpyrollidones, seaweed biopolymers, organic hydrocolloids.


Directions: AquaSafe should be used when setting up a new aquarium and with every partial water change or evaporation replacement. Shake well before using. Add one teaspoon (5 ml) for every 10 gallons (38 L) of water. Each raised mark on side of bottle equals 10 ml. Make sure that replacement water is the same temperature as water in the aquarium.

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Great product!!!


Great product en price!!!

Water conditioner


Good product...

Best stuff on the market


I've been using Tetra AquaSafe for decades...IMO the best dechlorinator on the market. Never had a problem with it....I do 90% WC's 3X a week on tanks as large as 125GL containing CA cichlids....the fish thrive & I have every confidence in this product. HIGHLY recommend.

Every once in a while, ThatPetPlace will put the large bottle (33.8 oz) on sale for a little ove $10.....I just bought a dozen bottles recently @ that price...GREAT deal.