Wrasses - Peaceful Community
Indo-Pacific and Atlantic
Tank Temperature
Specific Gravity
Some may be omnivorous, but most are carnivores. Feed a variety of frozen or freeze-dried foods like brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, Cyclopeeze, clam, scallop, shrimp and similar foods.
Most of the fish in this group are peaceful and timid, although larger adult Coris Wrasses can become aggressive and all wrasses may prey on small crustaceans. Many wrasses will bury themselves in substrate if stressed or while resting.
Most of these wrasses are Community Safe and Coral Safe and Invert Safe with caution. They can be kept with fish of a similar size and temperament but may not tolerate other wrasses.
Species Overview
The group of fish known as "wrasses" is very large, currently containing 60 different genera and at least 500 species. These fish can range from tiny, peaceful fish to large and aggressive predators. While we can provide general care and requirements for some groups, there are always exception. Research your individual choices carefully.
Some wrasses are generally compatible with peaceful, community aquariums, and even some reef aquariums. These groups include Coris Wrasses (genus Coris), Tamarin Wrasses (genus Anampses), Leopard Wrasses (genus Macropharyngodon), Lined Wrasses (genera Pseudocheilinus and Pseudocheilinops) and Possum Wrasses (genus Wetmorella).
These wrasses are generally peaceful for their size and can be kept with a wide range of tankmates. Many can also be kept in reef aquariums, and should not bother corals although an occasional individual may nip at some coral polyps or overturn colonies while searching for food. Coris Wrasses are the notable exception; while juveniles are typically safe for communities and reefs, as they mature some species may grow very large and aggressive. Choose all fish carefully with consideration to their adult behavior and size.
These wrasses generally eat a wide range of food, including fresh, live and prepared meaty foods like brine shrimp, mysis, copepods, Cyclopeeze and similar items. Tamarin and Leopard Wrasses find most of their food within the substrate and need a healthy microfauna population to graze upon to survive. Some fish from all of these groups are also known to bury in the substrate when threatened or at night. They are also known jumpers and the tank should be covered at all times.
We always suggest that you do further research before adding a new pet to your tank. What we have provided for you are guidelines and suggestions. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our fish room at 717-299-5691 ext. 1213 or marinebio@thatpetplace.com.
Recommended Items
Frozen Aquarium FoodSalt Mix
Protein Skimmers
Live Rock
Feeding Tongs