
K9 Connect Cool Weather Sports Seminar

Saturday, October 20th 2018 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm
At That Fish Place - That Pet Place

As the weather cools down our pets get more antsy! Lucky for us K9 Connect trainer, Megan Bailey, has a solution... cool weather sports! Stop by for a FREE seminar on several cool weather activities!

--->Urban mushing is when one or multiple dogs pull a cart, sled or other item! Typically done in snow, URBAN mushing if done on dry land!

--->Bikejouring is the activity where your dog runs or pulls a bicycle. 

--->Canicross is cross country running with your dog! 

Megan will teach us how to suit up, what proper equipment you need and how to have fun! Put it on the calendar to learn how to enjoy the cool weather with your pup!

The seminar is FREE! Visit That Fish Place - That Pet Place! >>
