Tropical Gecko
This care sheet applies to the following species:
South-East Asia
Tropical Forests & Woodlands
Average Size
4 - 12 inches
Up to 10 years
Proper Caging & Environment
These geckos should be kept in a tall, glass aquarium fitted with a tight screen lid and some sort of lock. Most geckos are great escape artists and very quick, so care should be taken in order to prevent this as they can be very difficult to catch once out of the terrarium. Smaller species (3-5”) can be kept in pairs comfortably in a 10 gallon tank. Medium to large species (6-14”) should be kept in a tank no smaller than 20 gallons. It should be mentioned that these size guidelines are purely minimums. All geckos will benefit from as large a terrarium as can be provided. In the wild, males lay claim over relatively large areas with one or a few females that they mate with.
Heat and Lighting
These geckos generally require a daytime basking temperature of 80-88 degrees, and a nighttime temperature of 75-80 degrees. These temperatures can be achieved through the use of a heat lamp. Heat lamps are usually the best way to go because this setup allows for a more natural heat source (like the sun) and it lights up the enclosure, to a degree, for viewing purposes. You can even use different colored bulbs to simulate a day and night photoperiod. There are black/purple bulbs for nighttime heat and blue/white bulbs for daytime heat. The exact wattage needed will need to be determined by the owner, because everyone has different temperature preferences for their homes.
These geckos also require a fluorescent light bulb in order to live and thrive. Tropical geckos in general will do fine with a 5.0 bulb. This type of light will allow the gecko to metabolize many enzymes and essential vitamins, etc. which help the gecko to survive, help the owner to view the tank, and brighten the gecko's color. Without the use of this light, these geckos will often get metabolic bone disease, which causes the bones of the gecko to twist and break easily due to improper calcium levels. This type of light can also be utilized to provide the gecko with a photoperiod.
Cypress mulch, coconut fiber, or sphagnum moss can all be used with great success. These substrates have many advantages such as:
- Holds humidity very well
- Resists mold growth
- Make excellent egg deposition substrates
- Looks natural and attractive
Water should be provided through daily mistings. Misting once or twice a day with high quality, dechlorinated water should be sufficient. In order to provide adequate humidity in the tank, a glass canopy should be used. Another thing to consider with a humid tank is air flow. A small computer fan can be used to help keep the air in the tank from becoming stagnant.
Cage Furniture
These geckos are mainly arboreal. They require many branches to climb on in order to live. These branches should be of varying widths with some being about the same width as the gecko. One or two of these branches should be placed directly under the heat lamp in order to make a basking spot for the gecko.
Geckos should be fed as varied a diet as possible. Possible insects include:
- Crickets
- Mealworms(for larger species)
- Waxworms(should be fed sparingly as these are high in fat)
- Silkworms
- Phoenix Worms
- Cockroaches
As neonates and juvenile lizards, geckos should be fed once a day. As they grow larger and older, they should be fed once every other day.
If you have any questions or concerns about your gecko, please call to speak with one of our reptile room employees at 717-299-5691 ext.1240.