Dog Training in Lancaster, PA
Dog Sense
Wendy Jordan,
Trainer at Dog Sense
Wendy began training dogs as a child, her first several dogs were mixed breeds, and in those days performance events were limited to purebred dogs. Just the same, her early dogs were trained to a high level of performance. These days she has a strong following of students in both the pet and the show world, and also a high level of success with solving behavioral issues in dogs. Through the years she has studied and trained with a variety of instructors and learned various methods used to teach dogs. Today she considers herself a common sense positive based trainer, well versed in selecting the methods that will bring the highest chance of success in training with the least risk of harm to dog or handler.
Dog Training at
That Fish Place - That Pet Place
237 Centerville Road
Lancaster, PA 17603
For additional details, questions
or to register please contact:
Wendy Jordan
We require pets to be current on their rabies vaccination. Please bring your pet's rabies vaccination paperwork with you to their first training class.
- The following lesson plans are designed for 5 week courses.
- All classes are 5 weeks/$150 unless otherwise noted.
- 6 to 8 students per class - Advanced payment for each course is required.
Puppy/Beginner Manners Class
This five week course will teach you how to introduce the basic cues to your puppy, how to reinforce desired behavior, and will address how to handle unwanted behavior in your dog. The basic cues include: sit, down, stand, come, leave it, loose leash walking, and a few extras! The goal of this class is that your dog will respond quickly to the basic cues with guidance and reinforcement from you. Social issues such as learning to sit for greeting, and understanding proper social acclimation will also be addressed.Advanced Manners Class
This five week course is designed to build the skills introduced in our Puppy/Beginner Manners class and to further develop reliability around distractions. New behaviors such as Heel and Stay will also be introduced.Canine Good Citizen Class
This five week class will help prepare you and your dog to take and pass the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen certification. A Canine Good Citizen certification is recognized by many as a hallmark of a well trained, well mannered dog.Loose Leash Walking Class
This four week class is designed to teach you how to change your dogs leash walking manners. Pulling on the leash is a dangerous practice, it can result in injuries to your dog or you! If your dog is pulling you around in spite of training, you need this class!*Dogs who are reactive, bark/lunge/leap at other dogs may not be ready for this class. This is for dogs who pull on the leash only. Dogs who only pull occasionally because they are friendly or excitable are welcome.