Zombie Ocellaris Clown - Amphiprion ocellaris - Captive Bred (ORA)
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Many variations of the "natural" Ocellaris Clownfish exist, especially among captive-bred individuals. The Zombie Ocellaris is an albino form of the Black Ocellaris and is very rare and new to the trade.
Clownfish are some of the hardiest and most traditional fish for marine aquariums. They generally come from two genuses - most are in the genus Amphiprion with one species in the genus Premnas - and all are found in the Pomacentridae family along with damsels and chromises. They are some of the mostly widely captive-bred fish, leading to more man-made variations becoming available like Misbars and Albinos as species are selectively bred and crossed.
It is usually best to keep one clownfish per tank, though a pair can sometimes be kept if one is significantly smaller than the other or are about the same size when added as juveniles. One fish will develop into a female and become larger in size while the other (or others, in large tanks) will remain male. As the fish mature, they may also become aggressive towards new arrivals (or hands in the tank), so be prepared for aggression to follow even if the new fish is large in size. Mixing captive-bred and wild-caught individuals is generally not recommended since their immunity and exposure to diseases and parasites may be different.
Clownfish are generally not fussy eaters, and will accept a range of frozen and prepared foods like flakes, pellets, and frozen formulas. They can benefit from some plant matter in their diet, although they are not considered herbivores and do need some meaty foods. Some clownfish can be sensitive to toxins, especially heavy metal based medications like copper.
Though the interaction between anemones and clownfish is amusing to watch, it is not necessary to the survival of either animal. Some clownfish will only host in specific anemones and vice versa. A host anemone should generally have a diameter of at least twice the length of the clownfish when introduced together for the best health of both the clownfish and the anemone. Captive-bred fish can also be less likely to use a host anemone than wild-caught fish.
Visit That Fish Blog for more information from our marine biologists on clownfish social structure and gender, anemone selection and preferences and other clownfish-related topics.
ORA fish are bred by Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums, the largest marine ornamental fish hatchery in the world. They continuously develop new frags, inverts and fish and many are available in very limited quantities. We are proud to offer ORA's fish as part of our collection.
Specifications | |
MPN | |
Manufacturer | Proaquatix |
Common Name | Zombie Ocellaris Clown - CB (ORA) |
Scientific Name | Amphiprion ocellaris |
Origin | Captive Bred (native to Indo-west Pacific) |
Specific Gravity Range | 1.020-1.024 |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Invert Safe | Yes |
Max Size (in inches) | 4 |
Community Safe | Yes |
pH Range | 8.0-8.4 |
Diet | Omnivore |
Min Tank Size (in gallons) | 20 |
Temperature Range | 75-82 |
Difficulty | Easy |
Internal Id | 114488 |
State Restrictions |
Alaska |
Armed Forces Americas |
Armed Forces Europe |
Armed Forces Pacific |
California |
Hawaii |
Puerto Rico |