Metallic Green Trumpet Coral - Caulastrea sp.
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Trumpet Coral, also known as Candy Cane or Bullseye Coral, is an excellent choice for the aquarist who is making a move towards stony corals. Calaustrea is hardy and attractive, and relatively easy to care for. Individual polyps branch from a central skeleton, often with contrasting stripes or brightly colored centers. They may have thick, compact branches or delicate branches with small polyp heads. The only caution is that this species extends sweeper tentacles at night, so do not place it too close to other corals. Place this coral high in the tank so it will receive a high amount of lighting and place where it will receive medium random water movement.
Specifications | |
Common Name | Metallic Green Trumpet Coral |
Scientific Name | Caulastrea sp. |
Origin | Indo-Pacific |
Water Movement | Moderate to High |
Aggressiveness | Moderate |
Specific Gravity Range | 1.022-1.026 |
pH Range | 8.0-8.4 |
Light Intensity | Moderate to High |
Water Hardness | 8-12 dKH |
Temperature Range | 75-78 |
Difficulty | Easy |
State Restrictions |
Alaska |
Armed Forces Americas |
Armed Forces Europe |
Armed Forces Pacific |
California |
Hawaii |
Puerto Rico |