Flame Anthias - Pseudanthias ignitus - Female/Juvenile

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SKU: 248851
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: 0312-ignitus

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The Flame Anthias (Pseudanthias ignitus) is a colorful anthias that is a rare find in the aquarium trade. Males and females are both identified by a red dorsal fin and a small red spot at the base of the pectoral fins. Males have brighter colors and may also have a bright red forked tail as well. Both have a yellow-orange body color.

Anthias are closely related to the often large and aggressive predators known collectively as Groupers but have much more peaceful temperaments. Within the Anthinnae subfamily, the temperament can still range from very passive and docile to downright bold but most are still peaceful compared to many of the other fish reputed to be "aggressive" and "territorial". Most anthias are shades of pink, red, orange and yellow; colors that help them blend in in the deeper waters many are found in. Size can also range between species but most anthias are under around 7-8 inches in length and the majority available in the aquarium trade are around 3-5 inches in length.

Anthias are planktivores and feed primarily on zooplankton, tiny animals found in the water column. They benefit from several small feedings throughout the day rather than one large feeding. A healthy microinvertebrate population in the aquarium with a constant supply of food items like copepods and amphipods is beneficial but most anthias can be weaned onto frozen and prepared zooplanktons, Cyclop-eeze, mysis shrimp, baby brine shrimp and similar items.

These fish are best kept in small harems of one male to several juveniles or females. If the aquarium cannot handle a group of 5 or more fish, most anthias can be kept alone or occasionally in a male-female pair. Suitable tankmates for anthias would be peaceful fish that will not harass these docile fish or outcompete them for food. Stressed anthias have been known to jump from an aquarium. Anthias are Reef Safe and are not normally known to bother corals or invertebrates.

More information about the social structure and gender among anthias groups can be found on That Fish Blog from our staff marine biologists.


That Fish Place
Common NameFlame Anthias - Female/Juv
Scientific NamePseudanthias ignitus
Reef SafeYes
Invert SafeYes
Community SafeYes
Max Size (in inches)3.5
Min Tank Size (in gallons)45
OriginIndian Ocean
Specific Gravity Range1.020-1.024
pH Range8.0-8.4
Temperature Range75-82
Internal Id

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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