Green Clown Goby - Gobiodon histrio - Small

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SKU: 213796
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: F91 0007 0116

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The Green Clown Goby (Gobiodon histrio) has a green body with reddish vertical stripes on its head. It is one of the most common and popular clown gobies for aquarists.

Gobies from the genuses Gobiodon and Paragobiodon are known commonly as the Clown Gobies or sometimes "coral gobies" for their habit of perching on, in or around stony coral colonies. They are tiny fish; most are under 1.5" in length with the largest in the grouping being the Citron Goby (G. citrinus) at 2.5". These fish have a variety of colors and patterns but all have a blunt, rounded head and the pectoral fins form a suction-cup-like disc to help the fish perch on surfaces.

These gobies are ideal for reef aquariums, but can also be kept in peaceful community aquariums, as long as they have plenty of hiding places. Clown gobies may fight amongst themselves for territory but can be kept with other peaceful fish. They do best on a diet of small frozen meaty foods like brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. They may also feed on the slime from some corals but generally do not harm the coral. Avoid keeping with large fish that may prey on the gobies.


F91 0007 0116
That Fish Place
Common NameGreen Clown Goby - Small
Scientific NameGobiodon histrio
DifficultyEasy to Moderate
Reef SafeYes
Invert SafeYes
Community SafeYes
Max Size (in inches)1.5
Min Tank Size (in gallons)10
OriginIndo-west Pacific
Specific Gravity Range1.020-1.024
pH Range8.0-8.4
Temperature Range75-82
Internal Id

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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