Colombian Tetra - Hyphessobrycon ecuadorensis - Small
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Colombian Tetras (Hyphessobrycon ecuadorensis) are silvery in color with a blue-green iridescent sheen and pinkish-red fins. Males have a hooked anal fin and usually have more colorful finnage. These tetras grow larger and more boisterous than many others and are best for larger, active aquariums.
Many tropical community aquariums are populated with tetras, rasboras and other similar schooling fish. Though these fish are rather small, their pleasant temperaments, the schooling behaviors they exhibit and a vast variety of colors and shapes make them popular in the hobby. They can grow anywhere from a few centimeters to a few inches, and can add movement to a freshwater fish tank. Most of these fish are fairly easy to care for and have similar water chemistry and care requirements.
Tetras are probably the the largest group of fish offered for community aquariums. They can be distinguished from other schooling community fish by the small adipose fin present between the dorsal fin and the tail. Tetras include small species that may stay under one inch in length and are suitable for community aquariums to much larger and more robust species that can grow up to several inches and need more aggressive tankmates.
These fish prefer aquariums with plenty plants and ornamentation to explore, but also need plenty of open space to swim. They can be fed commercial flakes, granules and small pellets as a staple diet, with occasional feedings of meaty frozen or freeze dried treats such as bloodworms, plankton, mysis or brine shrimp. They prefer to be kept in groups of six or more to school and feel secure. Fish not kept in proper schools may be stressed and remain hidden or may become extremely nippy and aggressive.
Specifications | |
MPN | F90 0022 0161 |
Manufacturer | That Fish Place |
Common Name | Colombian Tetra |
Scientific Name | Hyphessobrycon ecuadorensis |
Origin | South America |
Max Size (in inches) | 2 |
Community Safe | Yes |
pH Range | 6.5-7.5 |
Diet | Omnivore |
Min Tank Size (in gallons) | 20 |
Temperature Range | 78-82 |
Difficulty | Easy |
Internal Id | 20199 |
Ratings & Reviews
2 reviews
by Columbian
These are very active fish they love to be in the middle of your tank I do think they would be good in a 10 gallon tank.One thing I did notice was they make some fishes go to the other side of the tank and if they pass his area he chases them back to the other side this fish is semi territorial other than that they are very cool fish he does like this tank mate, Cory cat fish.
A Fun Fish!
by Nick
I've had my Columbian tetras for a couple of years now. They are so dirpy and fun to watch. They're not super active, but one of them will torpedo the surface of the water to get the flake food to fall down for all of them. They've even started spawning and the fry grow really quickly!