Jewel Cichlid - Hemichromis guttatus - Small

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SKU: 208462
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: F90 0022 0679

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Hemichromis guttatus is often considered "the" Jewel Cichlid, the species most commonly available to aquarists. Females will usually be brighter red with the males being pinksih or greenish with a red head until breading when the males become deeper in color. They have two dark spots on their body, one on the gill cover and another around the middle of the body.

Cichlids from the Hemichromis genus are collectively known as the "Jewel Cichlids". Many species look similar and this combined with many line-bred variants and crossbreeds can lead to some confusion with regards to identification and common names. They are found in west Africa in a variety of environments and are fairy undemanding with water requirements though they can be sensitive to high pH.

Jewel Cichlids can be fairly aggressive compared to their size. They are known fin-nippers and may prey on small fish. A group of juveniles can be kept in a large aquarium but a male/female pair is best kept in a species-only aquarium or with other large fish of a simlar temperament as they will aggressively guard their territory. The coloration of both the female and especially the male intensified during the breeding season.

These cichlids are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods. They can be fed appropriately-size flakes (as juveniles) or pellets as well as supplements of meaty frozen foods and vegetation. Spawning occurs after an environmental trigger, namely a temperature change that replicates the rainy season in their natural environment. Eggs will be laid on a flat surface and defended by both parents.


Common NameJewel Cichlid - Small
Scientific NameHemichromis guttatus
Originwestern and central Africa
Max Size (in inches)4
Community SafeNo
pH Range6.0-7.5
Min Tank Size (in gallons)55
Temperature Range76-82

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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