Jaguar Cichlid - Parachromis managuensis - Small
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Parachromis managuensis, known as the Jaguar Cichlid, has a very attractive pattern not unlike the camouflage of a jaguar cat. It also has the fierce predatory ability of it's namesake. It will make a quick meal of any fish small enough to fit in it's mouth. It is very aggressive and difficult to keep with other fish. The best way is to purchase a young specimen and grow it up with other cichlids of similar demeanor. When small, you can feed it flakes, pellets, and frozen brine shrimp. but as it matures, larger prey such as krill, large pellets or sticks, crayfish, live fish, and earthworms are preferred.
Specifications | |
MPN | F90 0022 0080 |
Manufacturer | That Fish Place |
Common Name | Jaguar Cichlid - Small |
Scientific Name | Parachromis managuensis |
Origin | Central America |
Max Size (in inches) | 16 |
Community Safe | No |
pH Range | 7.0-8.0 |
Diet | Carnivore |
Min Tank Size (in gallons) | 150 |
Temperature Range | 75-82 |
Difficulty | Moderate |
Internal Id | 24064 |
State Restrictions |
Alaska |
Armed Forces Americas |
Armed Forces Europe |
Armed Forces Pacific |
California |
Hawaii |
Puerto Rico |
Ratings & Reviews
9 reviews
managuese (jaguar cichlid)
by brad
these are an awesome fish to have i had one that was about 12" well adaptable to any tank agressive just like the oscar suitable with oscars and other large fish
One Big Nasty Guy
by Scott
If you have a big tank and want one fish to fill it up - this is your boy. I had one at least 12" in a 55 gal. tank and he lived to about 7 years old. Nastiest fish I ever kept. He'd take shots at my finger through the glass. I fed him a straight diet of night crawlers. I just lost a 12" Oscar so it might be time for another one - I have a 90 gal. this time. These guys are definitely a lot more aggressive than an Oscar.
Great fish
by Great guy!!
Just got 2 of these guys and there great a lot of energy and already trying to grow which is great
jaguar chiclid
by john jones
I had one of these guys in a 210 gal tank with a number of other chiclids which all of them were south and central american chiclids. Mine was actually really laid back guess i got lucky because all of my fish were really calm and nom agressive except for my green terror.I had to put him in a tank by his self, he would attack anything that moved. My jag was very beautiful! Actually one of my favorites. He got about 14" i fed him a variety of food pellets live fish prawns earth worms beef hearts crickets a bit of everything.
by Tyler P
I have 2 of these guys in my 125 gallon aquarium with one other fish. In the beginning I Hagar 7 fish and then these guys got bigger and took over the tank. Now they are about 14 inches and they are fighting each other for dominance. They are with a 12 inch red devil, who holds his own. I recommend getting these fish only if you have a 125 gallon (+) and are experienced. Trust me you don't want to house these fish with fish any smaller than 8 inches, when they get bigger they will attract! Overall great fish!
by Tyler
I believe this is one of the most aggressive, if not the most aggressive, fish in the freshwater aquarium hobby! This fish grows more than a foot long and can weigh over a pound! These fish are built muscular, so it is best to keep them in a tank with lots of room! The most they will grow to is most likely 20 inches, but they can grow bigger! Most grow from 12-15 inches though! If you get a male I recommend getting him a 150 gallon 6-ft tank because he will need place to grow and to swim through the tank! If you get a female that is great because she requires less and you can house with other fish! I would say males need to stay alone, but females can grow with other fish(pending size). Most females grow to about 10 inches, but can grow to over a foot! DO NOT GET THIS FISH IF YOUR TANK IS LESS THAN 125 gallons because they will fight and they like to swim through the whole tank. If you plan on keeping with another fish I say they do best with 2 other oscar fish and one red devil and in a 180 gallon would do the job!
by Tyler
I believe this is one of the most aggressive, if not the most aggressive, fish in the freshwater aquarium hobby! This fish grows more than a foot long and can weigh over a pound! These fish are built muscular, so it is best to keep them in a tank with lots of room! The most they will grow to is most likely 20 inches, but they can grow bigger! Most grow from 12-15 inches though! If you get a male I recommend getting him a 150 gallon 6-ft tank because he will need place to grow and to swim through the tank! If you get a female that is great because she requires less and you can house with other fish! I would say males need to stay alone, but females can grow with other fish(pending size). Most females grow to about 10 inches, but can grow to over a foot! DO NOT GET THIS FISH IF YOUR TANK IS LESS THAN 125 gallons because they will fight and they like to swim through the whole tank. If you plan on keeping with another fish I say they do best with 2 other oscar fish and one red devil and in a 180 gallon would do the job!
Great quality
by Allen Power
I got a male and female on the first try thank you guys. I'll definitely be ordering again
On My Second One
by Scott
I had a Managuense before that lived about 10 years so I decided to try another one. This one was initially not as aggressive as my 1st one that tried to bite me through the glass. Don't plan too much on a tank arrangement because the fish will rearrange everything to his liking not yours. Also learning my lesson on feeding the first one nightcrawlers which were not easy to find in the Winter I started this one out on Tetramin Cichlid pellets and that is still all he's eating at about a foot long. At this size he is starting show the aggressive behavior of my first one even attacking the magnetic algae scrubber as I clean the glass. This fish has plenty of personality if you have a tank big enough to keep him. Mine is in a 90 gal. and he's the only thing in it. He likes to show me who's boss by coming up to the corner of the tank, looking me right in the eye and flailing his gills to make himself even bigger.