Colored Ricordea - Ricordea florida - Single Polyp

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SKU: 257183
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: 1123-ricordea

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The individual polyps available here are assorted orange, blue, green or bicolor polyps. If you have a specific color request or would like more information on the colors currently available, please contact the Livestock Mailorder department directly at 877-367-4377.

Ricordia is a reef curiosity-- a corallimorph, it is a solitary, mushroom-like soft coral. Individuals form compact colonies over reef rock which resemble some hard corals. The surface of the polyp is tightly beaded like a carpet anemone. Ricordea florida is found in the Caribbean while the closely related Ricordea yuma comes from the Indo-Pacific region. Ricordea is highly popular for home propagation as they are very hardy, spread quickly, and can be propagated easily by cutting the polyp in half.

These mushrooms are carnivorous and photosynthetic. They should be supplementally fed small leafy foods like planktons and brine shrimp but should be placed in moderate lighting to feed the zooxanthallae in their tissues. Ricordea polyps should be given ample space in aquariums as they may damage other corals with prolonged contact and they can spread quickly under ideal conditions and overgrow some nonaggressive corals.


That Fish Place
Common NameColored Ricordea - Single Polyp
Scientific NameRicordea florida
Water MovementLow to Moderate
AggressivenessLow to Moderate
Specific Gravity Range1.022-1.026
Invert SafeYes
pH Range8.0-8.4
DietPhotosynthetic, Planktivore
Light IntensityModerate
Water Hardness8-12 dKH
Temperature Range75-78
Internal Id

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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