Blue Gourami - Trichogaster trichopterus

SKU: 213716
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: F90 0022 0021

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The gourami Trichogaster trichopterus (also known as Trichopodus trichopterus in some references is a popular fish with several different color variations that are very popular and well-known to aquarists. The "natural fish" is brown with faint bars and two dark spots on each side that, along with the eyes, give this fish one of its common names, the Threespot Gourami.

The Blue Gourami is the most popular of the Threespot Gourami variants. It has a light metallic blue coloration with darker markings. As with all variants of a species, exact coloration and pattern can vary between individuals.

Gouramis and other Anabantids (including the ever-popular Bettas and Siamese Fighting Fish) have an internal organ called the labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe atmospheric air in addition to using their gills. This is an adaptation to the rice paddies and stagnant pools in which these fish often live. All gouramis also have specialized pelvic fins that look like long filaments that they use to sense their surroundings.

Gouramis, like bettas, are bubble nest breeders. The males build floating nests out of bubbles that the eggs are deposited into until they hatch and develop into free-swimming fry. Breeding is fairly simple. Males and females can be differentiated by colors in many cases (males being more colorful) and male fish develop a dorsal fin that is elongated and ends in a point while females stay short and rounded.

These fish will accept a large variety of floating pellet and flake foods. Gouramis are generally suitable for planted aquariums, as they will not damage the live plants. As they get larger they can become slightly aggressive, particularly to other gouramis or in confined conditions. Tank mates should be chosen to able to handle this aggression. They do well with barbs, loaches, large tetras, and semi-aggressive cichlids. Dwarf gouramis are less aggressive and can be kept with smaller or more peaceful tankmates, or in smaller aquariums than their larger counterparts. Some species are highly specialized and may grow very large or need a very specific pH range or other water parameters.


F90 0022 0021
That Fish Place
Common NameBlue Gourami
Scientific NameTrichogaster trichopterus
OriginSoutheast Asia
Max Size (in inches)6
Community SafeYes, with caution
pH Range6.0-8.0
Min Tank Size (in gallons)55
Temperature Range72-80
Internal Id

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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Beautiful fish


Such a beautiful fish and can live a long time if taken care of properly,i have two in my tank one a few months old and one a few years old,they do great together,the younger one brought the older one out of its shell since its tank mate a gould died.