Restricted Species ListDue to their sensitive nature, fish listed below are not covered by our 14-Day Livestock Guarantee. Animals on this list are either very difficult to keep in the home aquarium, or are highly susceptible to loss during shipping. These animals should only be kept by the advanced hobbyist or researcher. Customers requesting any of these animals waive any responsibility on the part of That Fish Place for dead arrivals or animal losses normally covered within our 14 day replacement period for unrestricted species.
This list is subject to change at any time. Any items not covered by the guarantee policy will be advertised on that item's individual webpage as well. | |
Saltwater FishAngels Bicolor Pygmy Regal Batfish All Species Boxfish and Cowfish All Species Butterflies Copperband Cardinals Banggai (wild-caught) Dragonets All Mandarin Dragonets Eels Black/Blue Ribbon Eel All Snake Eels Gobies All Firefish Gobies Jawfish All Species Lionfish Antennata Fu Man Chu Radiata Moorish Idol Pipefish All Species Seahorse All Species Sharks All Species Stingrays/Skates All Species Sweetlips All Species Tangs Hippo Tang Wrasses All Cleaner Wrasses All Leopard Wrasses All Tamarin Wrasses | Saltwater InvertsAnemones All Species Corals Elegance Coral Gorgonians and Sea Fans Cucumbers All Species Feather Dusters All Species Jellyfish All Species Nudibranchs and Sea Hares All Species Octopus All Species Shrimp All Species Sponges All Species Starfish All Species Freshwater Fish & InvertsApistogramma Cichlids Arowana Axolotls Discus Elephant Nose Fish Feeder Fish Frogs and Tadpoles Knifefish Black Ghost Knifefish Brown Ghost Knifefish Livebearers Endler's Livebearer Guppies Loaches Kuhli Pleco Gold Nugget Queen Arabesque Shrimp Tetras Cardinal Emperor Neon Rummynose |