Spaghetti Leather - Sinularia flexibis - Small

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SKU: 208447
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: F93 0045 0349

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The Spaghetti Leather Coral (Sinularia flexibis) is usually white or tan in color and can have colored polyps. It has long spaghetti-like extensions that grow from a central trunk. Large colonies have been compared to Weeping Willow Trees. Bright yellow or green colonies can occasionally be found and require highly lighting than the more common tan or white variations.

Spaghetti Leather corals are usually good for beginners in that they are hardy and easy to keep. They grow best under medium to high light conditions with adequate water movement. Spaghetti Leather corals rely mainly on photosynthesis as a food source, but can benefit from additional zooplankton supplements. These corals can grow fairly large and should not be kept in a crowded aquarium. They can be propagated easily for regular maintaining "trimming" as well as to make new colonies.

Sinularia corals are some of the more aggressive soft corals. They can grow quickly and may overcome some less aggressive colonies, and they can release chemicals into the water as a means of "chemical warfare" among corals in their competition for space. Sinularia corals are also especially productive with the mucus coating they secrete. They should only be kept in systems with moderate to high water flow, efficient skimming, and high water turnover to help the coral shed its mucus coatings and to remove it from the tank before it can irritate any other corals.


Common NameSpaghetti Leather Coral - Small
Scientific NameSinularia flexibis
Water MovementModerate to High
AggressivenessModerate to High
Light IntensityModerate to High
DifficultyEasy to Moderate
Specific Gravity Range1.022-1.026
pH Range8.0-8.4
Temperature Range75-78
Water Hardness8-12 dKH

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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