Hornwort - Ceratophyllum demersum
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Stiff, bristly strands of green needles make Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) ideal for raising fry and small fish. Hornwort is a fast grower and does not need to be planted in the substrate to thrive; it can be left floating in the water. It will grow in long strands and may need to be thinned out so it does not dominate your aquarium. It is fine for ponds or aquariums and may actually inhibit algae growth on ornamental ponds. It is also a good oxygenator.
Bunched plants are typically sold as cuttings that are bound together with a metal plant weight or rubber bands. These individual stalks can be planted by inserting the end of the stalk into the substrate, either individually or - with some plants - in groupings of several stalks. Most bunch plants do not have roots but may grow roots in time. They can be easily pruned by trimming the stalk at the desired height. The trimmings can then be planted as well if desired. Some bunched plants do not need to be planted and may be allowed to float on the water's surface.
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Specifications | |
MPN | |
Manufacturer | That Fish Place |
Common Name | Hornwort |
Scientific Name | Ceratophyllum demersum |
Origin | North America |
Plant pH | 6.0-9.0 |
Growth Rate | Fast |
Light Intensity | Low to Moderate |
Water Hardness | Moderate to Hard |
Temperature Range | 72-80 |
Difficulty | Easy |
Internal Id | 15505 |
State Restrictions |
Alaska |
Armed Forces Americas |
Armed Forces Europe |
Armed Forces Pacific |
California |
Hawaii |
Puerto Rico |
Ratings & Reviews
14 reviews
not sure about this one
by TC
Overall I have been very happy with my plant purchases from that pet place but on this one it remains to be seen if I will like this one. Plant was loosing its needles everywhere when I got it. So much so that I am holding on placing in my tank yet. It may be due to the length of time it took to get the order but the other plants did quite well. I will update on this one once I make a decision of whether it was worth the purchase price or not.
No problems here.
by KBree
I have never had a problem with hornwort other than it grows like wildfire :) Whenever I get new ones the bottoms that have been tied lose their needles but once you have it in the gravel it grows quickly, straight up, and bright green. It is easily uprooted by large fish. I wouldn't reccomend this to anyone who doesnt want a plant that overshadows other plants quickly or doesnt want to keep trimming it.
Mixed review
by Melinda
They were shipped fast. One arrived thick , green and full of life. The other arrived mostly brown and scraggily looking. It's almost completely dead. They other is growing very fast and doing good. I'm upset the other one was shipped to me already half dead, brown with mostly missing leaves! So I am giving it 2.5 stars
by Karen
I know Hornwort sometimes sheds when it first arrives, so I put mine in a net breeder until it get over its shed.Then it takes off nicely...Mine is doing great in a cool water tank...Be patient with Hornwort...It's worth it...
by TNeal
The hornwort arrived when expected, was in great shape upon arrival, and currently is flourishing after several weeks. I expected shedding but haven't run into much.
by Kris
This is a great plant! I've only had it a little over a week and it's grown quite a bit already. It does shed some when you first put it in the tank but it came looking great.
Anacharis and Hornwort
by anonymous
Great Service
Very pleased with the plants
by Alex
HUGE PLANTS! All looked very healthy and they look great in my tank.
by Tori
Great service, plant came very lush and most green. Amazing price as well.
Fast growing algae fighter
by Cory
I bought a bunch of this 2 weeks ago and I'm blown away by how fast this stuff grows, it has all doubled since adding it to my tank. This plant can be a little messy with all the little needles but it's worth it. I did a little research on it after buying it and it's good in almost all types of freshwater aquariums, it removes nitrates at a fast rate and can even produce a chemical that combats algae growth. It is also very versatile happily free floating or being planted directly in the substrate.
by Thomas
Died in less than 2 weeks. Plants from other places are still growing. I liked the price of this one and have had good dealings with the fish place in the past. So, I gave it a shot. Turned into a big brown mess with needles all over.
More than expected amount
by Manny
I'm very happy with my purchase. Each bundle was huge I was able to completely cover my 72 bowfront tank and the have some left over for my 25 gallon. Came with snails which is fine by me snails are part of the ecosystems i build.
by Elizabeth
It shed a lot of needles when I first put it in the tank, but besides that it is a very nice plant. However, it did come with snails, so if those bother you be careful when adding it to your tank.
Very nice Hornwort
by Brian
I bought hornwort from two places at the same time. Liveaquaria's didn't have any water, just wet newspaper and everything they sent turned to mush and paypla made them refund me. At the same time these guys charged more but everything arrived alive and well worth the extra price.