Bubbletip Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor
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Bubbletip Anemones (Entacmaea quadricolor) get their name from their ability to inflate the tips of their tentacle into bubble or bulb shapes. Tentacle appearance can change dramatically from long with no bulb at all, to short, bubble-like tentacles. The bulbs are usually the most developed when a clownfish is using the anemone as a host. The color is usually green, brown, purplish or in rare anemones, pink. Pink Bubbletip Anemones are typically known as and sold as the rare "Rose Anemone".
Anemones get most of their nutrition from the aquarium lighting and dissolved nutrients in the water but occasional feedings are beneficial. Shrimp, clam, krill and other meaty foods can be fed occasionally by placing the food on top of the anemone near its mouth and making sure no other tankmates take it before the anemone can take it in.
Anemones have a high aggressiveness rating because they are mobile and have strong nematocysts (stinging cells) that can kill or damage other corals or animals. They will need large areas in which to expand their tentacles and should be placed in an aquarium that will allow them to open fully. Once they stay in a particular place, make sure no corals are to close as they may sting the coral in an attempt to keep it out of the territory. Anemones can sting people - avoid touching the tentacles of any anemone without proper protection, especially if you have sensitive skin or known allergies to other stings like bees or wasps.
When first placed in the aquarium, they are known to move around to find the place where they feel they are having all their requirements met. This will normally happen anytime a change is made to their environment. Most anemones like to have their bases under a ledge or in a hole for protection, in a position that their tentacles can extend into the light. Lighting and water movement may affect the appearance, as may the presence of clownfish hosting in the tentacles. They generally need medium direct light, with medium water movement.
While the interaction between anemones and clownfish (or other hosting tankmates like anemone crabs or anemone shrimp) can be interesting to watch, a clownfish is not necessary for the survival of an anemone and vice versa. Most clownfish have preferences for the types of anemones they will host in but may or may not choose a specific anemone as a host. Visit That Fish Blog for more information from our marine biologists on anemone and clownfish preferences.<
Specifications | |
MPN | F93 0045 0501 |
Manufacturer | That Fish Place |
Common Name | Bubbletip Anemone |
Scientific Name | Entacmaea quadricolor |
Origin | Indo-Pacific |
Aggressiveness | Moderate |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Invert Safe | Yes |
Community Safe | Yes |
Light Intensity | Moderate to High |
Water Movement | Moderate |
Difficulty | Moderate |
Max Size (in inches) | 12 diameter |
Min Tank Size (in gallons) | 55 |
Diet | Photosynthetic, Carnivore |
Specific Gravity Range | 1.022-1.026 |
pH Range | 8.0-8.4 |
Temperature Range | 75-82 |
Restricted | Yes |
Venomous | Yes (stinging cells) |
Internal Id | 13184 |
State Restrictions |
Alaska |
Armed Forces Americas |
Armed Forces Europe |
Armed Forces Pacific |
California |
Hawaii |
Puerto Rico |
Ratings & Reviews
4 reviews
argh, super finneky
by Fish Ben
Got this with hopes for a pairing with some clowns. I placed on a ledge in light with moderate movement. the next day it was under a ledge in the dark. Its never came out from there, making it very hard to get food to. I think it will die soon.
don't listen to nay sayers
by Keri
The previous reviewer must be a novice, as it's usual for a bubble (or any anemone for that matter) to migrate if it doesn't like where it's at. Bubble ARE very particular creatures, and if you know this to begin with it will not disappoint you. They are very beautiful animals and make a great additional to any marine aquarium. Keep in mind, it will move wherever it pleases, and clowns are not guaranteed to host. It's all luck as far as that goes.
Customer Review
by fish man
bought bubble for my tank and had no problems not bad was a little rough but came back to health nicely. its not luck takes the knowledge to know what your doing before you step on someones post you should know what your talking about.
by MamaBirdd
Generous size, opened right up