Red Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris magnifica

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SKU: 213743
Manufacturer: That Fish Place
MPN: F91 0007 0108

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The Red Firefish Goby (Nemateleotris magnifica) is pale yellow at the head, fading to orange and then red near the rear of the fish. The fins are also yellow fading to red and the first dorsal ray is elongated.

Dartfish are long, slender fish from the Ptereleotridae family that are often found hovering higher in the water column than most gobies that live in or on surfaces and rockwork. This family includes the popular Firefish Gobies (genus Nemateleotris) and other similar and popular aquarium fish. Dartfish are ideal for reef aquariums. They do best on a diet of live foods like plankton and small crustaceans but will also eat small meaty frozen foods. Diet can consist of small meaty frozen foods or small flake and pellet foods.

Dartfish need plenty of rockwork to hide in and feel comfortable. The name "Dartfish" comes from their habit of "darting" quickly back into the rockwork whenever threatened or frightened. Dartfish are often skittish and easily frightened; a tight-fitting lid is recommended to keep the fish from jumping out of the aquarium. They are peaceful toward other fish but may become territorial if they are crowded in small aquariums (particularly with members of their own species). Though it may take them some time to become comfortable and active, they often act as "dither fish" and their activity can encourage other shy fish to come out into the open more often.


F91 0007 0108
That Fish Place
Common NameRed Firefish Goby
Scientific NameNemateleotris magnifica
DifficultyEasy to Moderate
Reef SafeYes
Invert SafeYes
Community SafeYes
Max Size (in inches)3.5
Min Tank Size (in gallons)30
Specific Gravity Range1.020-1.024
pH Range8.0-8.4
Temperature Range75-82
Internal Id

State Restrictions
Armed Forces Americas
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Pacific
Puerto Rico


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